5 Benefits of Blockchain Technology in Higher Education

e-certificate blockchain verification

Today’s main challenges to higher education access are high-priced tuition fees and related costs. Moreover, education is one of the critical sectors experiencing huge investments worldwide. But the education sector remains to wrestle with issues stemming from legacy systems. To mention, the record-keeping work handling academic records and students’ credentials is mainly manual and is susceptible to impersonation. Here, blockchain solutions like e-certificate blockchain verification can ensure the authenticity and security of confidential educational data and documents.

Educational institutions even use manual identity management procedures that make it challenging for students to follow their qualifications and certifications. Moreover, educational institutions use paperwork-intensive and time-consuming methods to track students’ success. These procedures are vulnerable and slow the entire flow of information. The education sector needs a revolution, and blockchain can bring it.

Here are 5 ways blockchain is revolutionizing higher education:

1. Efficient Processes

Blockchain technology can create virtual transcripts and records of educational achievement across students’ lifetimes. Developing verifiable transcripts spanning an individual’s lifetime may help address problems like resume fraud, transfers between universities, and decreasing overheads associated with credential authentication. It can also ease the unified inter-state and even international movement with academic transcripts and credentials. Blockchain revolutionizes record keeping and will streamline processes, making them efficient.

2. Student Records

Blockchain can be a good tool for storing, tracking and even using students’ credentials. With it, learners and students can access their records efficiently and conveniently and share them securely with potential recruiters or employers. Learners enjoy complete control over their records as they are not stored on university or education institution servers but on blockchains. Blockchain technology stores and verifies digital certificates, including academic transcripts and credentials.
For example, by scanning a blockchain-based secure qr code, a recruiter can access the credentials of a candidate or student right away. The secure qr code has a hash value that should match the hash value on the blockchain network to reveal the data. Hence, it ensures immutability and efficiency.

3. E- Transcripts

Today, students know the delays and high costs associated with requesting transcripts. Transcript authentication remains a manual process from high school to even university. With blockchain’s distributed ledger technology and its solutions, these procedures can easily get streamlined, and fraudulent educational credit claims will reduce.

4. Mechanized Learning Platforms

Teachers can enter into digital agreements with students related to completing their tasks using blockchain smart contracts. The agreement outlines all the needs for the assignment, including instructions, due dates, conditions, and deadlines. Every time a student finishes a task, the same is confirmed by the smart contract. On completing all the tasks, the students get the credits for the course.

5. Publishing & Copyright Protection

In the education world, plagiarism poses a serious issue. Educational institutions can use blockchain technology to ease their students’ and staff’s research work publication. With publishing on a blockchain, new researchers, writers and others can enter the industry without risking their research getting stolen.

The Bottom Line

Blockchain technology can change some of the high education issues that have proven hard to address using traditional technologies. With blockchain solutions like educational certificate verification, secure qr code and smart contracts, the educational sector will become efficient, tamperproof, secure and less expensive. Learn more about using blockchain to revolutionize your educational institution with experts at ProofEasy.