
Education Industry

Blockchain has recently made significant strides in the financial sector. Furthermore, blockchain can be integrated with QR code to amplify the educational certificate verification system. Education is yet another field where blockchain is getting started. Certificates play an important role in professional development. Academic institutions have now shifted to electronic certificates or digital certificates because they are a better alternative to paper certificates. However, they are susceptible to being tampered with. This is where blockchain technology comes in. Blockchain technology offers protection against fake educational certificates. Automated verification even without a monitoring authority and a secure way to transfer and store documents.

digital certificates on blockchain
Why digital certificate is required
The education industry has long been plagued by fake certificates, fake diplomas from ghost universities, etc. In fact, there is a million-dollar industry powered by fake certificates. There are diploma mills that provide fake certificates from made-up universities. In the 2018 scandal of Axact, a company earned over 3 million dollars selling fake certificates and diplomas to clients across the world. The application of blockchain technology and QR codes in the education industry can help with the verification of credentials, automate record-keeping, store and transfer documents with controlled authentication.


Benefits of Digital Asset Management

Verification of student records

The record-keeping of certificates and student credentials at educational institutions is being transformed by blockchain technology. With blockchain technology enabled QR code certificate verification solution, you can eliminate the need to bring in a third party when authenticating degrees, certificates, diplomas, and other academic papers.

Accreditation for academic institutions can also be aided by blockchain technology. Evaluating the quality of institutions for the purpose of certification and accreditation is difficult. Blockchain technology makes it easier for Governments to evaluate the qualifications of academic institutions.

blockchain-based digital certificates

It reduces forgery

There have been several reported incidents of potential job candidates falsifying academic papers. In many instances, the employer or interviewer does not have a transcript to check the competence of the applicants. As a result, they are more inclined to hire people who are untrained or unqualified for the position.

The education industry is highly susceptible to fraud. Hackers might change or remove critical information from academic data files. They do this to issue bogus credentials. We can avoid all of this academic fraud by using blockchain technology.

What is the purpose of a digital certificate

It decentralizes online learning

Both native, as well as foreign students, can take MOOCs (massive open online courses) from academic institutions they like. Students can enrol in online courses at the college of choice. Blockchain technology can create decentralized online learning platforms with proper peer-to-peer interaction rather than a central authority prescribing rules. Institutions will no longer be able to prescribe the kind of courses that should be published or the fees that should be charged for each online course.

digital certificates explained

It offers protection from copyright violations

Plagiarism is a big issue that academic and training institutions are attempting to address. It may be quite troublesome for students to replicate digital information while writing a term paper or a research project. A university can invalidate such students' credentials due to plagiarism.

When you register your copyright on the blockchain, you can monitor how it is being used. You will be able to keep academic knowledge in a safe and secure chain using advanced encryption because of blockchain technology. Securing educational documents with blockchain guarantees that only authorized network users have access to the data. Owners of learning materials may keep track of who has accessed their digital content, authenticate and authorize users.

How can ProofEasy help the education sector?

digital certificate of authenticity

Assistance with student records

In many academic institutions and training centers, the management of student records is still done manually. This is both prone to errors and labor intensive. With the help of ProofEasy digitized records can be stored securely. It is also impossible to change grades and tamper with transcripts as everything is secured through blockchain.

Blockchain in Educational Sector

Issuing diplomas and degrees

Rather than having student credentials in the form of paper degrees and diplomas, ProofEasy lets institutions store this student information in the blockchain. This is particularly helpful during recruitment as they will not have to manually verify all the documents.

With ProofEasy’s unique features, only the parties responsible for authenticating a student's identification will have access to the data. It also gives access to the student. In this situation, there is no administrative interference. Educational documents secured using blockchain increases the trust of the student community with decentralization. This feature also prevents data fraud.

verifiable certificates on blockchain

Storage of information

Credentials on ProofEasy use blockchain technology so it cannot be changed, making it a more dependable mechanism for keeping credentials for a lifetime of learning. ProofEasy has out-of-the-box solutions, which can be customized, to maintain the integrity of the data.

Personal data will be kept private. Students receive control and ownership of their academic data, including accreditation and work portfolios, in a secure location that can be accessed by anybody who needs to verify it. ProofEasy enables instant verification on any smart device. The authenticity of the data can also be verified with a unique QR code.

understanding digital certificates

Evaluation of courses

With ProofEasy’s customization features, instructors can create smart contracts. They can create a smart contract with details required for completing each task. Once it is completed by the students, the smart contract will verify the task and then credits will be awarded accordingly.

advantages of digital certificate

In Conclusion

ProofEasy can offer academic institutions, big or small, immutable blockchain storage. With this system, information is available to all participants and may even be shared between institutions. Every assignment, school/college test, and extracurricular activity participation is added to the student's digital record as blocks, which can be viewed on the student's profile.

Aside from student data, the ProofEasy blockchain systems can be used to oversee and facilitate school, college, and university accreditation, secure intellectual property rights, and eradicate diploma and transcript forgery. Academic data stored on the blockchain can be accessed and transmitted swiftly to other institutions and organizations, including future employers. The system records the entire history of modifications with signatures, providing legitimacy to student data and credentials. The application is designed in such a way that academic institutions can easily adapt it without having to provide training to their staff. ProofEasy provides a one-stop solution to safely and securely store and transfer original data.

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