Use of Blockchain for Certificate Verification & Validation: Things to Know

Blockchain for Certificate Verification

The Blockchain is a public ledger that you can use to record all the transactions in a decentralized data log rather than a physical ledger or a single database. The initial use of Blockchain technology was to form cryptocurrencies. Today, Blockchain is getting popular in diverse areas like trading, file storage, identity management, payment services, financial exchanges, medical records management, education etc.

Unfortunately, in the present-day world, fake documents are widespread, and as most of you know, there is no hassle in getting false documents. As the false documents exactly look like the originals, it is unwieldy for the layman to identify the real and duplicate. Service providers need to spend millions to confirm the documents of candidates.

Here, you can use QR code certificate verification and ensure that all your certificates are secure once you put a secure QR code on the documents. You can know the authenticity of the certificate right away. The certificate will open only if the hash value on the secure QR code matches the secure QR code on the blockchain network. Hence, there remains proper validation of certificates.

Problems in Certificate Verification 

  • Lack of transparency
  • Cost inefficiencies
  • Document falsification
  • Reputational risks

How can Blockchain Help?

The placement of educational certificates is done on a distributed ledger so that individuals can have access to information anytime and from anywhere. Moreover, under blockchain technology, the documents are securely placed that only sanctioned persons can access using private keys.

Blockchain technology stores data in a shape that one cannot alter. Blockchain technology includes encryption of data making use of a hash function. So the entire data becomes permanent. Even the aced hackers cannot hack the certificate’s data.

Not to miss that document verification on blockchain technology removes the involvement of the third party. Hence, it limits the expense of transactions on the network. It essentially saves a lot of costs. Moreover there is going to be no scalability problems in your education institution. It is so because the transaction time could be as swift as a couple of seconds. In this way, Documents verified on blockchain permits swift delivery of service.

Why is Verification of Certificates a Must?

Document verification like that of certificate verification is a common phenomenon when humans are concerned. So, people are bound to authenticate their documents in every walk of life, no matter a new birth, court proceedings, marriage, employment purpose, education, or any further step in their life journey.

If you use blockchain technology solutions like certificates validation QR codes, you can do everything securely. Hence, document verification is no more strenuous, and it is even immune to false representations through blockchain technology. To validate a certificate, you need to set it on a distributed ledger in the realm of blockchain technology. Instead of a cryptographic copy, it is not any digital copy that stays on the blockchain network. Any change made at any stage of the blocks will be noticeable for everyone involved. Hence, no chance that any wrong move goes unnoticed.

The Bottom Line

Use Blockchain technology to validate any document like an educational certificate. After reading this post, you already know a few of the many benefits of QR codes in education. Learn more about blockchain-based solutions with ProofEasy. It can be a game changer for the validation of all your documents.