
Become Privy to ProofEasy’s 2023 Roadmap

ProofEasy is constantly evolving. As such, it’s integrating more features and working to polish its existing ones such as QR code authentication, etc. Since you’re a ProofEasy member (or are thinking of becoming one), we believe that it’s our responsibility to keep you updated on all our future plans. But we don’t want to share documents online about our future outlook in a messy way as it seems irresponsible. So we’ve broken down our plans for 2023 into bite-sized content pieces for every quarter. Please note that this plan may change slightly, but we intend to achieve most of our set goals every quarter.


Take a Sneak Peek Into ProofEasy’s Digital Transformation Roadmap

Q1-2023 3
  • Document Versioning

    Support multiple version of document

    Target completion End March 2023
  • Document Expiry Date

    Set expiry dates for documents

    Target completion End March 2023
  • Batch Processing

    Ability to upload and process documents in batch

    Target completion End March 2023
Q2-Q3 2023 4
  • Custom AWS S3 storage

    Store documents in your own AWS S3 storage.

    Target completion End Sep 2023
  • Add pre-defined templates

    To add pre-defined template with basic customization capability

    Target completion End Sep 2023
  • Additional Integrations

    Integrations with popular Learning Management & other potential popular softwares.

    Target completion End Sep 2023
  • Verification History

    View document verification history like location, timestamp and other details.

    Target completion End Sep 2023
Q4 2023 & Beyond 3
  • Multiple Language

    Support for ProofEasy User Interface in other languages

    Planned completion Dec 2023 and beyond
  • Create templates

    Allow creation of own templates

    Planned completion Dec 2023 and beyond
  • Increase 25 MB Size Limit

    Increase the 25 MB limit on file uploads to allow for bigger documents.

    Planned completion Dec 2023 and beyond
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