How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Verify Legal Documents More Efficiently

Where to certify documents

Document certification is a big challenge in the legal industry. As if questions like what documents need to be certified and where to certify documents weren’t enough, document fraud and tampering have become an insurmountable issue. Enter artificial intelligence (AI). Indeed, you can now certify documents online using AI. But how do you go about it? Let’s find out.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Verify a Document’s Authenticity

There are multiple ways AI facilitates online certification of documents, especially in the legal sector. Documents like contracts, notarized copies, lawsuits, and more are in dire need of authentication. Here are the most common ways to certify original documents using AI:

  • Computer vision: Through computer vision, AI verifies the visual elements of a legal document. For instance, it will check if the logo of the notary or the watermark of an organization is legitimate or fake. The advanced technology can recognize elements that have been tampered with or that aren’t legitimate.
  • Optical character recognition (OCR) technology: Using OCR technology, legal firms can scan manual data or pull data from images in seconds and convert them into machine-readable documents. The data extraction makes it easier for a firm to determine whether the legal text they want to verify is legitimate or fake.
  • Biometric verification technology: Biometric verification tools, like facial recognition, can go a long way in verifying a document’s authenticity. To illustrate, facial recognition technology demands that an individual share their live image to bypass the security measures. This helps the technology determine if the document being presented for verification is being submitted by the real owner of the document or a fraudster. Further, the live image helps determine if the document owner is physically present during the verification process.
  • Multiple document cross-verification: Imagine cross-referencing hundreds of documents to identify the discrepancies in the current file you want to authenticate. Sounds like an insurmountable hurdle, right? Well, AI can make this process easier, as it can help you cross-reference multiple documents within seconds so you can pick up the differences in the documents and determine if the newly-presented file is legitimate.

Besides these techniques, AI implements consistent feedback to improve its processes and refine the legal document verification system. But AI isn’t without its drawbacks. Concerns like data privacy and document security might still keep you up at night. Under such circumstances, sign up on ProofEasy to give your documents the power and protection of blockchain technology. Explore the relation between blockchain and AI to get the best of both worlds.