Integration of Blockchain in Digital Certification: Things to Know

Blockchain Secure Code Integration

Today, there is a clear requirement to alleviate fraudulent certificates and management of records to promise seamless and honest trade. Altering certificates and contracts for misconstruing, misleading, or forging anything is a breach of ethics.

If you are a University faculty/member or a provider of certified courses, forgery is probably something you deal with repeatedly. And in case you are a student, you are acquainted with the pain in proving the genuineness of your digital certificates. Unfortunately, it is not simply the money you spend for authentication; it is precious time you lose and the nervousness you encounter.

Once the authorities issue digital certificates on the Blockchain network, they can control immutability public records to offer endorsement and authenticate it. This way, one can avert fraud and disfigurement by involved entities. Hence, one can make the most of blockchain for digital certification in different sectors with the help of blockchain secure QR code integration. A few of the many sector areas wherein blockchain can make a big impact are like:

  • Education / University Certificates
  • Real Estate
  • Employment records
  • Digital rights or Copyrights
  • Contracts among Small and Medium-sized companies

So, no matter which sector you are in, you may find blockchain doing wonders once you implement it properly. However, remember that every single condition is distinct in its respect.

Blockchain in Educational Institutes

To manage your educational institute successfully is challenging. It would need massive resources, effort and, most importantly, time. Most of the procedures are repetitive, like student admissions, issuing certificates, assessments, HR and staffing, placement support, and even employee payroll. Since performing these tasks could impact regular functioning, there is a clear requirement to rationalize routine procedures.

Unfortunately, the lack of quality education and the aspiration to succeed is forcing individuals to the edge. To get ahead, graduates and working professionals pursue certificate courses and additional qualifications to make themselves employable. It has led to the rise in forged degree programs, certificates and diploma mills.

Blockchain technology can be an effective and futureproof solution to this forgery certificate problem. With secure QR code integration, you can bring efficiency, transparency and traceability to the table. Hence, you can ensure trust for students, educational institutes, and recruiters. For example, a digital certificate on blockchain will work as a Skills-ID that nobody can alter. People receiving it can share it with possible recruiters and prove their application conveniently. One needs to scan the secure QR code on the certificate, and if the hash value on the QR code matches the QR code hash value on the blockchain network, they will access the data.

Easy File Authentication with Lifelong Verification

Once you anchor digital certificates in blockchain technology, they will be encrypted. Certificates would have an unchangeable link between the educational institute issuing them and the graduate or student receiving it. The issuing authority has complete control over the digital certificate, hence limiting third parties or graduates receiving the certificate to change it. It promises the integrity of data. The point is once you issue digital certificates on the blockchain, they stay timestamped, encrypted, and tamper-proof. Moreover, digital certificates based on blockchain networks have lifelong legitimacy and proof of ownership.

The Bottom Line

Blockchain technology is the future of digital certification and credential management. Similarly, financial transactions using QR codes; will be shared in times to come for maximum security. You can know more about blockchain with ProofEasy as it leads the way by helping educational institutions, organizations and businesses with blockchain-based solutions.