Find Out How Higher Education can Benefit from Blockchain

Benefits of Blockchain in Higher Education

After the launch of Bitcoins in the year 2009, blockchain surpassed its initial financial concentration and expanded into different other industries. It has turned out to be one of the most desirable technologies and is changing the way businesses work and interact with the end-users.
One of the areas where blockchain is making an impact is the higher education sector. Blockchain is challenging the fundamental of the current centralized authority structure of educational institutions. It is doing so by providing a technically sound, powerful distributed system. Hence, removing the requirement for middlemen and third-parties. Actually, blockchain technology can transform higher education via blockchain document security, verified credentials, course management, student performance history, secure content sharing, tokenized academic rewards, and more.

Working of Blockchain

Blockchain is a digital ledger and it is maintained and gathered by all the nodes in its network. When any user starts a transaction, the blockchain network community requires to confirm it. In case the majority agrees that the transaction is lawful, the generation of a block takes place. A unique identity known as a hash is assigned to this block. The genesis block is the first block and every single following block holds the address of the previous block. This forms up a chain of linked blocks, and hence the technology is known as blockchain.

Verified Degrees & Certificates

Blockchain helps in maintaining verified degrees and certificates. If educational documents are stored on a blockchain, the unchallengeable nature of blockchain records makes it nearly tamperproof. It removes the requirement for a third party to offer certified or attested copies of the academic records of students. Moreover , one can access the confidential data of degrees and certificates only if the unique hash value on QR code on the documents matches the hash value of QR code on the blockchain network.

Student Archives

Educational institutions need to spend massive time on student records. They need to annually confirm the accuracy of the grades on the transcripts of students. Now, if a student makes up the mind to move states in the mid of their higher education. It turns out to be tough to track and manage the records of the student. Similarly, the dreariest task is the certification of course contents. It becomes tough for education institutions to avoid the requirement. As they cannot validate uniform course or program content across the two education institutions. One can do such a task in a few clicks with the use of information stored on blockchain network.

Preserving Ownership Claims

Education research is geared towards hunting for new directions and distributing knowledge. Unfortunately, there is unwillingness in sharing ideas and innovations as researchers are at risk of losing intellectual property rights as well as their ownership claims.

Here, since blockchain technology is a sequential vault of data, it can get used by academics to broadcast their research without dread of anyone else making claims to it. Since data on a blockchain stays encrypted via public-key encryption, the academics can share their concepts and innovations with whomever they wish, securely , without any danger of losing their ownership claims.

To Sum Up

With blockchain solutions like document authentication qr code, you can ensure secure procedures in education institutions. Clearly, the impact of blockchain technology on education is huge, with infinite possibilities of how you can leverage it for optimizing learning procedures, inspiring research, and simplifying academic records. Talk to us at ProofEasy and find out about blockchain solutions for your education system.