How to Verify Digital Credentials with ProofEasy?

Verify Credentials Instantly with ProofEasy


Verifiable credentials blockchain are gaining more and more traction by the day. After all, it isn’t easy to overlook digital credentials benefits like immutability and machine-verifiable.

But if you chose ProofEasy as your favored credential verification service platform, you might be wondering how to verify credentials. Well, here’s a step-by-step guide to make the digital credential blockchain verification process easier for you.

How are Blockchain Digital Credentials Verified on ProofEasy?

Verifying blockchain-based digital credentials is incredibly simple on ProofEasy. A ProofEasy-generated verifiable credential will contain a unique QR code. This QR code can be scanned using any scanner on your smart device — yes, Google Scanner works, too. We have designed the technology to look premium and still be 100% accessible to all individuals and organizations.

So, to complete the verification certificate online, all the verifier has to do is scan the unique QR code on their smart device and the verifiable credential will get verified immediately. That’s it. No extra steps, hassle, or resources required to verify the authenticity of a ProofEasy-native document.

So, issuing parties streamline your business processes and sign up on ProofEasy today to start issuing verifiable credentials using our patented blockchain and QR code technology. Your documents won’t be uploaded to the decentralized network. Instead, a unique hash code will be generated against the file and the code will be stored on the blockchain.

You can always verify your document’s authenticity by comparing its original hash value with the hash value of the document you receive from your clients. You can also track the document history. Plus, our customizable API makes integration a breeze. This means you won’t have to overhaul your existing IT infrastructure. Moreover, we’re competitively priced, so you won’t overshoot your budget.

Don’t wait any longer. Sign up on ProofEasy today to make document issuance, sharing, storing, and verification a breeze!