6 things decisions makers in the legal industry do today for protecting their confidential documents

Secure Confidential Document with Blockchain

Why Is Protecting Confidential Documents Important?

It is the law to protect confidential data. Businesses all over the globe are obligated to protect their customers’, clients’, and employees’ sensitive data, and law firms are no exception. In truth, legal data protection must adhere to the most stringent data protection legislation. Every day, law firms store, handle, and analyze massive amounts of sensitive data; data breaches are not acceptable.

The legal industry handles a lot of private information, from the names and addresses of high-risk clients in sensitive legal situations to secret declarations in criminal prosecutions.

It is the legal duty of all law firms to store sensitive data accurately and securely, and dispose of it appropriately. It’s never been more critical for law companies to have their data security measures ship-shape, given the growing demand from customers worldwide and a slew of high-profile data breaches.

Cyber Crime

In 2016-17, almost two-thirds of legal firms had a data breach, according to TechRadar. In addition, every firm surveyed has a cyber-theft attempt, which is a troubling statistic for any potential client of legal practice. Over the next five years, cybercrime may cost businesses $5.2 trillion.

A cybercriminal might use financial information on file at a legal firm to access a client’s bank account. Keeping up with the dynamics of cybercrime requires an active interest in the dangers associated with your data collection and data security activities.

Legal Firms seek to protect confidential information for the benefit of all the stakeholders. they can protect their information in the following ways:

6 Ways to protect confidential information:

1. Following the 6 Data Protection Principles

i – Data Collection and Purpose Principle – Firms must acquire personal data lawfully and for a purpose that is directly connected to the data user’s function or activity. The information gathered should be necessary but not excessive. The aim of data collection must be disclosed to the subjects. the firm must also disclose to whom the data will be shared.

ii – Principle of Accuracy and Retention – Personal data must be accurate. The firm should not retain it for longer than is required to accomplish the goal it was collected for.

iii – Data Use Principle – Unless the data subject gives free and explicit agreement to a new purpose, personal data must be used for the reason it was acquired or for a directly connected purpose.

iv – Data Security Principle – A data user must take reasonably practicable precautions to protect personal data from unauthorized access, processing, deletion, or loss while considering the harm that a breach might cause an individual.

v – Openness Principle – A data user must make available its personal data policies and procedures, including the categories of personal data it collects, and how it uses it.

vi – Data Access and Correction Principle – Data subjects must have access to their personal information and amend it if it is inaccurate.

2. Comprehensive Document Management (And Records Management) Policies

A solid document management system will cover a lot of ground regarding how employees should handle client data, from generation to deletion.

Things to ensure in the policies

  • How to store and arrange complex files, as well as how to store and organize electronic files, whether on-site or remotely (and perhaps, how to create a “knowledge management database” to rapidly access relevant material)
  • How and when information should be destroyed or erased (known as “file retention policies”), as well as a method for handling customer information once the client relationship has ended
  • How to react to information demands from the government
  • Ensuring all the vital information and the documents are backed up

3. Data Encryption: Technology for Technical Protection

Cryptography is a crucial facilitator for IP management. Encryption’s objective is to scramble items so that they can’t be comprehended or used until they’re unscrambled.

Data is encrypted using symmetric or asymmetric encryption before being inserted into the blockchain. This system ensures the privacy of an individual’s data.

ProofEasy offers the best-in-class security for all confidential information. There is a QR code on the document that one can scan to read its contents. . After verifying the QR code on the blockchain, the transaction ID is shown on the display page. For additional security and to double-check that these papers have been confirmed on the blockchain, click the “Verify on Blockchain” button.

VeriDoc Global verifies and validates the document. It confirms with the hash on the blockchain and shows the original ProofEasy secured document.

4. Review NDAs from third parties

Third parties frequently provide companies with “standard form” NDAs. They may appear to be the same after a period, yet there are occasionally significant variances. For example, an NDA may require that material be labeled private in writing at the time of disclosure to qualify as confidential. However, if the disclosure is made orally, the confidentiality of the information must be confirmed in writing within a specific period after disclosure. This duty may be highly onerous for a firm that provides private information, and as a result, the NDA’s obligations might easily be overlooked. The ideal way for a firm to provide personal information is to use the NDA, which states that any non-public information given is confidential regardless of whether it is identified as such or in what form it is released.

5. Contracts for confidentiality clauses

Companies get into contracts with service providers, such as consultants and IT service providers, regularly (such as hosting and software implementation). Unfortunately, many standard form contracts created by service providers do not include any confidentiality clauses in the customer’s favor (or contain very “weak” provisions). In these cases, it’s advisable to either sign a separate confidentiality or Non-Disclosure Agreement (often referred to as an “NDA”) with the service provider or “bolster” the secrecy terms in the service provider’s contract.

6. Limiting access

Only those workers who have a “need to know” should have access to sensitive information containing confidential documents in the organization. As a result, the firm improves its legal position while simultaneously assisting in establishing a practical “roadblock.” Electronic copies of papers should be password secured, and hard copies should be kept locked. It’s essential to keep track of who has access to the computer. If a legal claim against a departing employee becomes necessary, the surveillance of “suspicious activity” may be helpful.

The Need

Information and document security experts are looking for practical and pragmatic assistance for creating data privacy protection standards majorly for two main reasons. Firstly, the function of information security becomes more complicated in a technology-driven information-intensive environment due to new risks (e.g., socio-techno risk). Secondly, data privacy protection becomes a primary concern for information security management as privacy infringement occurs frequently, and receives widespread media attention. In addition, viewing privacy through the lens of ethics may assist businesses in developing, and improving their code of conduct.

A hassle-free and legitimate document verification platform is provided by ProofEasy.


ProofEasy offers a cutting-edge document verification platform to prevent document forgeries, frauds, and counterfeits. ProofEasy is changing the way proof of authentication is evaluated using this platform. ProofEasy eliminates the requirement for third-party verification, which is a bottleneck in fraud protection.

Technology Consulting and Software Development Services

ProofEasy offers dependable software solutions and services from vision to code and everything in between the Software Development Life Cycle.

ProofEasy QR code is placed in the submitted document and securely saved in the ProofEasy server. The document is given a unique hash, which is then stored in the blockchain. The document can be shared in a secure environment with all parties involved.

For that specific document, the QR code includes a connection to the VeriDoc Global verification engine. The verification engine verifies the hash on the blockchain and shows the original ProofEasy-secured document.


Law companies are always confronted with new problems as they strive to adjust to the participation of newer technologies. To address these issues, a type of technology that is both helpful and user-friendly is required. Validating proofs and guaranteeing verification is as simple as a drag-and-drop operation using ProofEasy. It keeps employees happy while providing the finest security for the company’s information.