What are the Advanced Privacy Features for Verifiable Credentials

Unlock Privacy with Blockchain

Verifiable credentials blockchain have become the gold standard for securing digital files and beating data fraud. That’s not all. Blockchain digital credentials are also known for their ability to protect an individual’s privacy. But how does it do that? Let’s understand the advanced privacy features for verifiable credentials.

Blockchain-based Digital Certificates Advanced Privacy Features

There are numerous digital credentials benefits. However, digital credentials blockchain protecting individual privacy is one of the most popular. But how does this innocent-looking document achieve this? The secret lies is its standout features:

1. Selective Disclosure

This feature lets individuals disclose parts of their verifiable credential per their choice. This allows them to stay in control of their PII (personally identifiable information) and control who gets access to it.
For instance, if someone wishes to verify digital credentials, you don’t have to share all your personal data with them to verify credentials. You can simply share the required data and keep the rest private.
So, you can share your name, mobile number, email address, qualifications, etc., but don’t have to necessarily share your date of birth or home address if it’s not necessary. Less data shared online means less chances of fraudsters using it for their nefarious reasons.

2. Anonymous Credentials

This feature takes privacy to a whole new level. It allows verification credential holders to prove specific information about themselves without revealing sensitive information. So, if you need to confirm your hotel reservations, you can easily do that without revealing your personal details.
Since verifiable credentials have become mainstream and allow organizations to fight data fraud, it’s essential to be on top of your game. So, choose dependable credential verification services, like ProofEasy. You’ll benefit from patented blockchain and QR code technology that makes verification certificate online easier.