How Can Blockchain Technology Play an Important Role in Banking & Finance?

Uses of Blockchain in Banking and Finance Sector

The importance of blockchain in the banking sector has been growing like never before. Blockchain is changing the way people make payments, and increasing number of financial institutions are investing in blockchain technology for many reasons.

Blockchain it is a technology that endorses trust between trading partners. Blockchain allows to transfer of currency and offers confidence that the transaction is completed securely and successfully. It is a decentralized, distributed, and public ledger that companies use to record transactions across different computers inside a network. Because of the design and properties of blockchain, it is transparent, secure, and nearly impossible to change. Blockchain impacts most of the core workflows in banking, such as keeping records, cybersecurity to currency, debt and even equity management.

Blockchain allows open, inclusive, and secure business networks, along with shared operating models, reduced costs, efficient processes, and new products and services in finance sector. It allows digital securities to get issued within shorter periods, at lower unit costs, with superior levels of customization. Hence, it expands the market for investors, reducing costs for issuers and decreasing counterparty danger.

Quick Benefits of Blockchain for Financial Industry

Benefits of blockchain technology banking finance emerge from the following properties:


Many copies of the ledger stay across the network. Each time a person adds a new transaction and block, everybody inside the network gets a copy. There is no single entity that can control the ledger. However, the system is designed to offer everyone the same data.


A blockchain offers a correct, chronological history of transactions. Since each person inside the network has a copy, it’s approximately impossible to change or erase transactions or add data that has not been verified. To do such a thing successfully will need a coordinated attack on hundreds or thousands of computers simultaneously, which is nearly impossible.

So, these properties of blockchain have clear benefits for the finance industry. Here are some straightforward ways businesses and banks are harnessing the power of blockchain:

 Money Transfers

Transferring money to any country presents many difficulties and challenges for consumers and financial institutions. People send billions of bucks internationally each year, and the procedure is generally expensive, arduous, and mistake-prone.

Blockchain can bring a change. Many leading banks have adopted international payments with blockchain, which saves a lot of time and money. Consumers and users can also use blockchain money transfers to complete their electronic transfers with mobile devices. It avoids the cumbersome procedure of visiting a money transfer facility, standing in queues, and paying fees for any transaction.

 KYC Fraud Recognition

KYC process has a vast timeline because of the number of players involved in the procedure of KYC verification. The method includes independent request reviews from third-party vendors and also from other banking institutions. It can end up in duplication of user account data.

Blockchain in banking alters the slow process. A blockchain system permits the authorized users to easily access the same data system rather than every bank and their party vendor upholding siloed customer data portals. It accelerates verifications.

Low-Cost, Direct Payments

Most of the funds move through financial institutions, like banks or credit card processing centers. Each of these steps adds a layer of complication, along with fees that can prove costly. Here, the benefits of blockchain-based transfers for merchants can be like:

  • Fewer fees: once customers pay with a credit card, merchants pay processing charges that cut into profit. Blockchain payments decrease or remove fees by rationalizing the transfer process.
  • Eliminated inadequatefunds: Consumers at times pay for services and goods with a bad cheque. It causes a loss and extra fees for merchants and the possibility of a legal annoyance to recover. Blockchain-based payments have the potential to give merchants the confidence of knowing that the transaction is good in a couple of minutes.

Smart Contracts

Contrary to conventional contracts, smart contracts do not include any paperwork or third-party confirmations. The contract is computer-coded, and one can ensure compliance using blockchain. Smart contracts confirm autonomously upon completion of the contract terms.

With smart contract blockchain, the main pieces of the contract are visible, permanent and undisputed. Here, financial institutions can also use secure QR codes that have a unique hash value. The QR code hash value is linked to the hash value of the QR code on the blockchain network. If the hash value does not match, it cannot be accessed. Hence, smart contracts are swift and futureproof.

 The Bottom Line 

To capitalize on the potential of finance blockchain technology, banks and financial institutions should build infrastructure to form up a global network. If you want to know more about blockchain solutions for your financial business, we at ProofEasy can help you get started.