What Information Do Digital Certificates Verify?

Digital Certificate Verification

Blockchain-based certificates are gaining traction by the day. The benefits of digital certificates are difficult to ignore. After all, the varied advantages of digital certificates, like immutability, machine verification, and enhanced privacy, aren’t ubiquitous. But what is a digital certificate? Digital certificates using blockchain are similar to traditional digital certificates but are superior to them due to their unmatchable advantages.

But what is their purpose? Let’s find out.

Why Digital Certificates are Required?

Digital certificates using blockchain are needed to beat document fraud and validate the contents of the credential with 100% certainty.

For instance, if a university issues a digital certificate blockchain for its graduating class, students can safely store the certificate in a digital wallet and present it to verifiers (like employers) as and when required. The verifier can verify the claim (in this case the grades and major of the concerned graduate) contained within the certificate, check the issuer, the issue date (and expiration date, if any), and proceed accordingly.

Wondering how are digital certificates verified?

Verifiers can easily authenticate digital certificates on blockchain. If the issuing party uses dedicated platforms like ProofEasy to generate blockchain-based digital certificates, the verification process becomes simpler as you’ll just have to scan the document’s QR code to authenticate its legitimacy. Simply put, you can confidently trust the information digital certificates verify.

Digital certificates make the authentication process easier and less time- and effort-consuming, making it possible for various sectors, like education, fintech, government agencies, food and beverage (F&B), supply chain, legal, HR, real estate, and more.

Ready to embark on your verifiable credential journey? Sign up on ProofEasy today!