Why is Decentralized Identity Important to Maintain Privacy in the Digital Age

Decentralized Identity, Simple Privacy with ProofEasy

Almost all the websites you visit, platforms you use, and online solutions you turn to save your data. It can be as benign as your name to a full-length identification chart on you, including your name, email ID, age, internet history, IP address, card information, and more. While this might not seem like much in the grand scheme of things, in fact they might make your internet journey easier (not having to enter data again, anyone?), but they clearly compromise your privacy. And the funny thing is you never get to know about it. Not until there’s a massive data breach and you’re reduced to a mere collateral. However, decentralized identity is the solution to reinforce and redefine privacy norms in this digital age.

Why is Decentralized Identity Important to Reinstate Privacy Online?

The biggest pain point that individuals face when trying to hold on to their privacy is that they often don’t know how and when their personal identifiable information (PII) becomes public information.

Alternatively, even if EU-participant countries declare their intentions given the enforcement of GDPR rules, most individuals are guilty of either not reading the declaration or understanding little of it and clicking on the accept button anyways. The result? Your PII being reduced to mere data points and sold to the highest bidder for some money (or a lot, who knows!?).

But decentralized identities can change how individuals share their information (knowingly or unknowingly) with a business, solution, or platform. Following the underlying principles of decentralized blockchain, decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are the future. Wondering why?

For starters, DIDs let an individual decide what information they’d like to share with a website and how. For instance, if you’d like to share just your email ID to access a page or sign up for a newsletter, that’s all you can share with your customized DID.

Better yet, the DIDs would be completely under your control, giving you authority over your information. Being encrypted through cryptographic keys, they’re incredibly challenging (almost impossible) for bad actors to breach and steal data from.

Moreover, they make it extremely simple for a verifying authority to validate the information you’d shared with them. In fact, they can authenticate the information almost instantly through blockchain since DIDs are cryptographically signed by a trusted issuing authority

However, the authentication process can be a bit problematic since not all businesses or entities support their verification. Admittedly, DIDs are being adopted at a rapid scale, the adoption is yet to penetrate the masses.

This is where ProofEasy comes in. With its unique blockchain and QR code technology, ProofEasy facilitates instant verification of information. Simply scan the QR code using a robust scanner like Google Scanner to authenticate the information. The best part, though? You won’t have to spend any extra money on bespoke scanners or technology.

ProofEasy’s customizable API layer can also be integrated with your existing IT infrastructure at a budget-friendly price. Sign up on ProofEasy today!