Ensuring Safety for Documents and Certificates

Ensuring Safety for Documents and Certificates

The authentication of digital credentials needs both security and trust. But it is a world where evil players are hunting for ways to forge documents and certificates to take advantage of the current system.

Digital ledger technology (DLT) promises enhanced ways to secure and verify data. DLT can help curtail exposure to risks traditionally associated with document and certificate forgery. Talking about blockchain (a type of DLT) is no new term for people involved in banking, investments, or cryptocurrency. Blockchain is based on peer-to-peer (P2P) topology. It enables you to store data across the globe on different servers that allow everyone on the network to see everyone else’s input. It makes it challenging for any user to accomplish control of the network. Here are some points that will show how you can ensure safety for documents and certificates with a blockchain technology.

Smart Contracts

Store the digital information securely within the blockchain and share it with the appropriate parties in real-time. Through this process, you can confirm to avoid fraud. Beyond this, since the blockchain’s data is immutable, you don’t have to worry about tampering with documents and certificates.

Smart contracts can implement themselves upon the end of specific criteria. If you think of it as a ledger, you cannot go-ahead to the next transaction until the previous one has been finished. Once an action is not met, there would be no remuneration.

Keeps Important Documents Safe

Imagine a world where all your educational and confidential documents and certificates are in a ledger that nobody can tamper with. It will be highly secure, and all necessary parties can access it. It is precisely what Blockchain technology has the power to do. Once you have blockchain-secure documents for your educational institution or any other organization, you can ensure that your documents are safe.

Document & Certificates Integrity

Blockchain-based document and certificate protection ensure full document integrity by developing a hash of every single document version. The hash makes it impossible to change or manipulate the versions without leaving evidence. All hashes are on the private or public blockchain so that nobody can delete or manipulate them. For example, you can put a blockchain-based secure QR code on your certificates and documents, and one can access it by scanning the document security QR code. It will reveal the information only when the QR code matches the QR code on the blockchain network.

Origin & Authorship Security

Since every modification saves automatically as a new version with a fresh timestamp, it is convenient to follow the origin and authorship of a certificate or document. You would know who created, uploaded, downloaded, opened, or made any changes. Everything would be available and broken down by user, date, and time.

For example, a staff member tampers with unprotected documents associated with company policies. He changes a statement and threatens the company to sue them for not complying with a specific statement. Here, the company owns a version control on the blockchain that can legally prove that this staff member has changed the document. It will also give an exact date, time, user name, and relevant details.

The Bottom Line

A Blockchain network permits both internal and independent authentication of the integrity of the documents and certificates. Hence, practically removing document fraud that includes tampering with document contents. Use blockchain to ensure secure documents and certificates in your organization. For any assistance, you can talk to experts at ProofEasy.