Besides Bitcoin, what are other solutions You can apply Blockchain for?

Distributed ledger technology in Finance

It was the eminent application cryptocurrency Bitcoin, which got launched in 2009, that effectively uses Blockchain. Hence, mostly, Blockchain has been associated with Bitcoin. However, today, Blockchain is not just limited to bit coins; it is getting mainstream. But what really is Blockchain? Blockchain is a shared, unchangeable ledger that facilitates the procedure of recording transactions as well as tracking assets in any business network. Here, an asset may be tangible like a house, vehicle, land, cash) or even intangible like patents, intellectual property, copyrights, and branding. Practically, you can track and trace anything of worth on a blockchain network.

Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger technology (DLT), a type of digital system for recording transactions and associated data in different places at the same time. Each computer in a blockchain network upkeep a copy of the ledger to avert any failure. Moreover, all the copies get updated and validated instantaneously. In simple words, Blockchain has been a record-keeping technology developed to make it impossible to hack the system or forge the information stored on it.

In blockchain technology, all the network participants enjoy access to the distributed ledger and the immutable record of transactions. With such a shared ledger, transactions get recorded just once, removing the replication of effort that has been characteristic of conventional business networks. Moreover, not a single participant can alter or tamper with a transaction once it is recorded to the shared ledger. If there is any mistake in any transaction record, in that case, a fresh transaction is added to reverse the mistake, and both the transactions then get visible.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are possibly one of the most effective tools that are linked to Blockchain. These can allow the transfer of everything from bitcoin and fiat currency to even goods transported across the world.

Smart contracts are fundamentally automated agreements between the contract creator and that of the recipient. Once written in code, this agreement is scorched into the Blockchain, making it immutable and irreversible. Smart contracts have headed to the network’s collection of decentralized applications (DApps) and different use cases.

An advantage of blockchain networks is the automation of tasks that conventionally needed a third-party intermediary. For example, a bank need not approve any fund transfer from a client to any freelancer, as the procedure can arise automatically. Thanks to the concept of the smart contract. All that is needed is for two parties to settle on a single concept.

Identity Management

Most digital transactions demand that individuals disclose specific personal information before they can proceed to access services. For instance, before any financial transaction may get carried out on platforms like PayPal, Amazon Pay, etc. users have to input their login specifications like personal and financial details. Each time a user discloses his information, it is stored on different internet databases and hence, it rises security risks.

With blockchain, many businesses are creating a platform that guards individuals’ identities against any theft. After all, the technology can even help companies build robust blockchains that manage the problems of authentication and reconciliation faced in diverse industries. Hence, Blockchain has the potential to develop an identity management system that gives complete control to users. It also allows users to decide the data they desire to share across diverse transactional mediums while guarding their identity against theft.

Data Integrity

Data integrity means the trustworthiness of data. It includes the maintenance of, and the guarantee of the rightness and consistency of, data over its whole life-cycle. Nearly all companies must maintain data integrity and comply with proper government rules and regulations regarding it. However, every year, many businesses lose more than millions of pennies because of data integrity and data security issues.

Blockchain could be the solution to improve data integrity and integrity information to the utmost standards. By design, blockchains are integrally resistant to any modification of information. Blockchain ledgers are immutable, which means that in case information addition or any transaction has been made, it cannot get edited or deleted.

Moreover, blockchains are not just a data structure but a promptness mechanism for the data structure, so evidence of the history of data is conveniently re-portable and updated to the second. Companies encountering audit, regulatory compliance requirements, or even legal challenges may use blockchain technology and Blockchain-based QR codes to enhance data integrity and save millions.

The Bottom Line

Thus, blockchain is a future-proof way to expand your business! If your organization is also looking forward to applying Blockchain for different solutions, talk to us at Proofeasy today.